Numbering of the Haecceities Series

The Haecceities series is divided into twelve sequences. The sequences in turn are divided into segments, and segments are divided into parts. There can be further developments or variations or complements of parts. Such a specification is a member of the part of a segment of a sequence of which it is a variation or development or part. Any development or variation or complement of the member of a part is an item of the membership of the part.

Every Haecceity has at least three numbers and at most five. The first number of a Haecceity represents the sequence to which it belongs to in the series, beginning with one and ending with 12. The second number of a Haecceity indicates which segment it is of a particular sequence. The number of the first segment of a sequence is zero. The third number of a Haecceity marks which part it is of a particular segment of a sequence. Here too the number of the first part of a segment is zero. The fourth number of a Haecceity identifies which member it is of a particular part of a particular segment of a particular sequence. The number of the first member of a part of a segment of a sequence is one. The fifth number of a Haecceity marks which item it is of a particular member of a particular part of a particular segment of a sequence. The number of the first item of a member of a part of a segment of a sequence is one.

Thus Haecceity 1.0.0 is the first part of the first segment of the first sequence of the series. Haecceity 1.1.0 is the first part of the second segment of the first sequence of the series. Haecceity 2.1.1 is the second part of the second segment of the second sequence of the series. Haecceity is the first member of the third part of the fifth segment of the third sequence of the series. Haecceity is the second item of the first member of the fourth part of the sixth segment of the fourth sequence of the series.

The first sequence of the Haecceities series has three specifications while the final sequence consists of a single Haecceity. The ten sequences in between all have many specifications. Some have many dozens. Work on the Haecceities series is ongoing, but at present there are several hundred specifications in the series.

Jeffrey Strayer, 2019.